Perhaps, almost there, tho' perhaps not quite in the way you are intending
it I don't know. Jesus again speaks, I seem to remember, of giving to your
enemy what he needs, and by doing so, one will 'heap burning coals on his
head'. I guess it's not acceptance as such, but maybe saying 'your
violence is accomplishing nothing, and has no power over me'. I wouldn't
like it of course, but sometimes one might have to put up with abuse, for
a greater cause (for Christians, the gospel) and in a sense, to deal with
it violently or with retribution is to be as bad as your enemy is. The
love which is rooted in God is more powerful than hate.
Yet the greatest single dispenser of violence is clearly God. Slaying the
Egyptian army, and visiting 10 plagues upon Egypt. The Great flood. the
destruction of the civilisations occupying caanan, the promised destruction
at the end of the world, the fall of jericho, and counless more examples.
So it seems a bit Hypocrytical to come to use a few years later and say
"turn the other cheek boys"
"But I thought it was eye for eye stuff?"
"Do what I say not what I do!"
If God can't lead by example, who the hell can?
As someone who thinks the bible (OT) is a bundle of Babylonian stories
written down with some name changes this is easy for me to rationalise. If
god exists he DIDN'T do these things, and you have merely attributed them
unto him, unfairly indeed. But for you that must be a BITCH.