New Sci fi series
(too old to reply)
2006-02-14 11:14:08 UTC
Invasion - so god damne slow. I can't believe I have stuck with it so long.
I guess it is because sunday evenings otherwise are totally dull.

At least now something is almost happening.

Threshold - I could never decide if this show was good or bad. The
producers thougth bad so it has been axed. There methods of dealing with the
alien invasion (posting two underpaid government goons outside super
powerful aliens house) seemed completely lame, and their lack of aggression
agaisnt the aliens was also lame. But it had some good ideas in.

By the end though it was just pants, and the final episode was embarrasing.

Battle Star Galactica - Excelent and going from strength to strength. The
full extent of the Cylons plan has finally become apparent, or at least the
tip of the iceburg. The quasi-religious nature of it all is interwoven
beautifully with some real dark sci - fi.

I just pray that it doesn't go the way of star gate and drag on. The story
is strong, I hope they don't dilute it with lame stories just for more
episodes. At the moment that is not the case.

CSI - not sure if it counts. But the latest offerings are pretty standard
fair. CSI is ok, continuing its usual run of absurdly bizzare cases, people
dying from paragliding because someone fiddled with their altimeter and they
went too high and froze to death...

CSI - Miami has the usual child in need and Horacio Kane kneeling down by
him promising that no-one will ever hurt you again (of course after his
mother has just been gunned down in a drive by miami style [ on a power

CSI - New york, at least has the crimes more grounded in reality. x kills y
because y stole x's money, car, girlfriend, cable tv...

In conclusion. I watch too much TV.
2006-02-14 11:40:46 UTC
Post by Ricardo
Invasion - so god damne slow. I can't believe I have stuck with it so long.
I guess it is because sunday evenings otherwise are totally dull.
At least now something is almost happening.
Threshold - I could never decide if this show was good or bad. The
producers thougth bad so it has been axed. There methods of dealing with the
alien invasion (posting two underpaid government goons outside super
powerful aliens house) seemed completely lame, and their lack of aggression
agaisnt the aliens was also lame. But it had some good ideas in.
By the end though it was just pants, and the final episode was embarrasing.
Battle Star Galactica - Excelent and going from strength to strength. The
full extent of the Cylons plan has finally become apparent, or at least the
tip of the iceburg. The quasi-religious nature of it all is interwoven
beautifully with some real dark sci - fi.
I just pray that it doesn't go the way of star gate and drag on. The story
is strong, I hope they don't dilute it with lame stories just for more
episodes. At the moment that is not the case.
Post by Ricardo
In conclusion. I watch too much TV.
You need to write your own Sci-Fi series for TV. Something with
gratuitous violence and painful death, but yet providing a reassuring
vision of the future for small children.
2006-02-14 12:02:35 UTC
Invasion is slow, and I really don't think it will ever get any better.
But Sunday is dull and it's a good excuse to sit and watch TV while
working on other projects that I have going.

Threshold, I have 13 of the 14 episodes. It's better than invasion but
like all things involving the govenment it can only go downhill. Look
at X-files when they brought in the govenment conspiricy and Stargate:
SG1 had bad episodes when it's about the govenmnet trying to bring them
down. Why would Threshold a govenment based show be any different.

Now Supernatural on the other hand is brilliant, and i don't care if
you all disagree. I really don't. It's funny, the brotherly chemistry
between the boys is unfaultable, there are some excellent one liners,
and the comic timing is spot on you couldn't ask for better. I have
the first 14 episodes already, and love it.

CSI is okay, I quite enjoy watching that, nevermind the eye candy that
is invovled. CSI Miami and New York are just bad carbon copies of what
CSI is doing. I watch them as again it makes a nice few hours where
you can do something else.

ER last night was odd, they treated a chimp! after 11/12 years they
still bring odd things our of the bag. At the moment Danny Glover is
in the show. He's aged!

Did anyone see that Medical Investigation thing. It was a bad rip off
of CSI. Not good

And avoid that bloody prison break. I watched two episodes and
regreated it. It's like Shawshank but without the a decent plot. That
I would avoid at all costs.

That's all I can think of at the moment. I've got to get back to
putting my questionnaire answers in to the computer I'm only on 788 out
of 5000ish!

2006-02-14 12:45:28 UTC
Post by Djn
Now Supernatural on the other hand is brilliant, and i don't care if
you all disagree. I really don't. It's funny, the brotherly chemistry
between the boys is unfaultable, there are some excellent one liners,
and the comic timing is spot on you couldn't ask for better. I have
the first 14 episodes already, and love it.
Ooh err missus, have you been doing anything Bad & Wrong(tm)?

I missed the last one - I was at the public houses[1] Sunday night, and
last night it was on too late.

[1] The school kids standing on the street corner on Sunday night
because its half term were swigging red wine out the bottle, which I
thought was a nice improvement on swigging cans of fosters.
2006-02-14 14:24:03 UTC
Ooh err missus, have you been doing anything Bad & Wrong(tm)? <<<
that's for me to know!
2006-02-14 15:39:30 UTC
I hear that threshold has been axed. There won't be any more.

CSI NY and Miami as carbon copies:
agreed. However I like the fact that the New York cases (at least till this
series) are more common garden crimes.

Not watched Supernatural. What is it about?

If the medical investigation thing was BONES my mum and brother eached
watched one and two episodes respectively. Clearly my brothers tollerance
for shit TV is greater than my mums.

Hyperdrive: I still stand by.
I think some of it is far funnier than other bits, i.e. anything vs. sexual
I think the sexual references actually pull the show down from where it
should be.

That DEATH RAY that took 3 days to kill people and a week to recharge, where
the lord of the planet had to keep asking the victim to stop struggling was
The Ebay action for a shit planet was cool too.

Invasion I keep saying should be called Incursion, or Infringement instead.
The aliens are as inactive as the government in Threshold. Alas every single
week we keep getting mroe shit family issues, and I am fed up of them.

The main characters refuse to beleive anything is going on even when the
evidence is in their faces. It is really annoying. At least V had the core
of main characters who KNEW and were desperately trying (and failing) to
convice everyone else.
And when does that park ranger guy ever do any park ranging?

Post by Djn
Invasion is slow, and I really don't think it will ever get any better.
But Sunday is dull and it's a good excuse to sit and watch TV while
working on other projects that I have going.
Threshold, I have 13 of the 14 episodes. It's better than invasion but
like all things involving the govenment it can only go downhill. Look
SG1 had bad episodes when it's about the govenmnet trying to bring them
down. Why would Threshold a govenment based show be any different.
Now Supernatural on the other hand is brilliant, and i don't care if
you all disagree. I really don't. It's funny, the brotherly chemistry
between the boys is unfaultable, there are some excellent one liners,
and the comic timing is spot on you couldn't ask for better. I have
the first 14 episodes already, and love it.
CSI is okay, I quite enjoy watching that, nevermind the eye candy that
is invovled. CSI Miami and New York are just bad carbon copies of what
CSI is doing. I watch them as again it makes a nice few hours where
you can do something else.
ER last night was odd, they treated a chimp! after 11/12 years they
still bring odd things our of the bag. At the moment Danny Glover is
in the show. He's aged!
Did anyone see that Medical Investigation thing. It was a bad rip off
of CSI. Not good
And avoid that bloody prison break. I watched two episodes and
regreated it. It's like Shawshank but without the a decent plot. That
I would avoid at all costs.
That's all I can think of at the moment. I've got to get back to
putting my questionnaire answers in to the computer I'm only on 788 out
of 5000ish!
Matt Horsley
2006-02-14 19:00:03 UTC
Post by Djn
ER last night was odd, they treated a chimp! after 11/12 years they
still bring odd things our of the bag. At the moment Danny Glover is
in the show. He's aged!
You mean he's too old for this shit?
2006-02-15 12:12:03 UTC
Post by Matt Horsley
Post by Djn
ER last night was odd, they treated a chimp! after 11/12 years they
still bring odd things our of the bag. At the moment Danny Glover is
in the show. He's aged!
You mean he's too old for this shit?
I didn't want to be so rude!

Matt Horsley
2006-02-14 18:50:56 UTC
Post by Ricardo
Battle Star Galactica - Excelent and going from strength to strength. The
full extent of the Cylons plan has finally become apparent, or at least the
tip of the iceburg. The quasi-religious nature of it all is interwoven
beautifully with some real dark sci - fi.
I just pray that it doesn't go the way of star gate and drag on. The story
is strong, I hope they don't dilute it with lame stories just for more
episodes. At the moment that is not the case.
The only problem is it isn't something you can come in in the middle of
and pick up. I haven't seen the first series, I'm now four or five
episodes into the second, and I still haven't got a clue what is going
on half the time - like what are the cylons for starters, or why does
one of the crew have an invisible friend. Not good for a series to be
so hard to pick up part way through - I wasn't expecting to have them
explain everything just for the latecomers, but at least to give us some
chance of working it out.
2006-02-15 10:14:28 UTC
Post by Matt Horsley
Post by Ricardo
Battle Star Galactica - Excelent and going from strength to strength.
The full extent of the Cylons plan has finally become apparent, or at
least the tip of the iceburg. The quasi-religious nature of it all is
interwoven beautifully with some real dark sci - fi.
I just pray that it doesn't go the way of star gate and drag on. The
story is strong, I hope they don't dilute it with lame stories just for
more episodes. At the moment that is not the case.
The only problem is it isn't something you can come in in the middle of
and pick up. I haven't seen the first series, I'm now four or five
episodes into the second, and I still haven't got a clue what is going on
half the time - like what are the cylons for starters, or why does one of
the crew have an invisible friend. Not good for a series to be so hard to
pick up part way through - I wasn't expecting to have them explain
everything just for the latecomers, but at least to give us some chance of
working it out.
Some of those questions you can't answer because nobody can.
What are the Cylons? Nobody really knows. Appart from there are the
machines, originally made by man. In the pilot they came back to the 12
colonies and nuked them.

They have also made agents which look like humans. Some seem to be such deep
agents they don't actually believe they are cylons. Some clearly know they
are. Perhaps all know they are; who can tell.

The good doctor (in the pilot) allowed invisible chick to do some major
research in the military computer system (before she was invisible).
Invisible chick is a cylon. Cylons (being machines) are real good with
computers. As all the military stuff was networked she managed to do enough
damage to clobber every single vessel. Except of course the outdated
BattleStar Galactica which was just about to be decommisioned. Its outdated
non networked weapons systems couldn't be hacked.

So the cylons killed 99.9999% of people in the first attack.

Invisible chick died too. (but there are many copies). And she got inside
his head somehow. God knows how, or what she is going there (but we do know
"they have a plan").
She spent most of the 1st series shagging him. Now it seems she i pregnant.
Something which is quite hard to conceive seeing as she is a cylon induced
figmant of his imagination.

Series 1) Lots of running from cylons.